Got a question?

See FAQs below or just Contact Us!



Operational Questions

+ Do you use eco-friendly products?

Definitely! It is an option and most of our products are green certified, microfiber cloths, biodegradable and commercial grade products to reduce harmful chemicals and promote cleaner solutions for you and our staff.

+ How do you guarantee the quality of your work?

All AMR Janitors are hand selected, experienced and begin with a three to six hour training orientation, and custom training for every individual account. During the job, they must complete the post order check list that will be inspected by around the clock supervisors to micromanage the janitors. Supervisors and Managers will consult with every janitor, spot-checking every task given for each location.

+ Are you insured?

We understand that accidents may occur, and we’re always prepared for that. In compliance with the California state law, all employees are covered by workers compensation. AMR Janitorial goes beyond standard safety regulations. Although not required, we carry general liability insurance to cover all incidentals, which few cleaning companies have due to the cost. This prevents you from significant risk of lawsuit.

+ Will the same Janitor be assigned to my location each time?

Yes! We always provide the same Janitor at your facility. In case of any change, you will be notified the reason for the change ahead of time.  

+ Who can I contact for issues related to our facility?

You will be assigned an Accounts Manager. Your assigned manager will ensure all your concerns are addressed, keep up to date with your buildings cleaning needs and continously follow up with you. This is a manager that is there for you!  

+ What happens if I am not satisfied with my Janitor?

Our job is to make sure you are pleased with our service. We will get a replacement in a timely manner.  

+ Do you have a minimum cleaning?

Yes, once a week is our company minimum which starts off at $195 per cleaning per week. This is good for 1 Janitor cleaning up to 2.5 hours.  

Training/Hiring Procedures

+ Do you consider performing background checks and reference checks as part of the hiring process?

Generally, the most important question clients have is, “who is the janitor cleaning my building?” Our hiring system configures background history to employ an honest and trustworthy team. In general, we mostly check an applicant’s:

  • State, Local and Federal Criminal History

  • Previous Employment

  • Must be over 18 years old

+ What training has the Janitors undergone?

All Janitors undergo an extensive training orientation and are trained consistently throughout the job. All janitors are accustomed with a post order to complete tasks. We built proven training systems used to help AMR Janitorial Services give the cleaning quality clients deserve. Some areas of AMR training include:

  • Safety for themselves and others (cleaners safety)

  • Communication between Janitor and Manager (AMR Manager are feeded with updates in your account)

  • Cleaning chemicals (proper cleaning products to use on what surface)

  • Cleaning techniques (trained to clean)

  • AMR training guide handbook (AMR training policies)

  • Post training (Individualized training on Post)

+Tell us about AMR Janitors?

All AMR Janitors are experienced and take pride in what they do! In the Janitorial Industry, there are typically 3 types of Janitors/Cleaners:

  1. Cleaners who get the job well done, but in a longer than expected time period 

  2. Cleaners that only get half the job done in the expected time period

  3. Then there are AMR Cleaners who both get the job well done and finish cleaning tasks in the expected time period. These Cleaners are well experienced and commit to what they do 


+How is pricing adjusted?

Unlike many companies, AMR Janitorial Services charges either on a per cleaning rate or on a hourly rate. Consider the following factors for pricing: frequency of service, square footage, and special tasks and services needed.

+How do supplies work?

We offer a supplies package for a small monthly cost based on each individual account, which includes ordering, delivering, and stocking.

+How does payment work?

AMR will Invoice you monthly via email for all the services done in that given month on net 30. You can pay by check or electronically.

Getting Started 

+Do you need to see my property before the cleaning begins?

To ensure the best results, you’ll be asked to schedule a FREE in-person consultation. Our Operations Manager will work with you to develop a custom work order for your property, which will convert your space’s needs into clearly defined tasks for our cleaners. All you need to do is give us a call or shoot us an email, and schedule a time with us.

+Are we tied to any long-term contracts?

Never! We have a 3-month commitment then you can cancel service with a 30-day written notice. AMR works hard to earn your business and maintain it that way. We use these 30 days to find the AMR employee a job elsewhere so that it does not impact their financial lives as we care about our people.

Technical Issues

+I am not very good with computers, is there a way I can order over the phone?

Absolutely! Just give us a call and we’ll set it up for you.